Dental Exam & Cleaning

A Comprehensive Exam with X-rays is probably the single most important part of visiting the dentist. This appointment is designed to go through each of your teeth one by one, examine them visually and by x-ray to determine if there are any possible concerns.

Full dental x-rays are the only way to see inside of each tooth in order to catch any potential ticking time bombs. Without this comprehensive exam you may not be aware of painless invisible holes inside of your teeth that will progress to infection and abscess if left untreated. When these holes or cavities are caught early, they can be repaired with a simple filling procedure, eliminating the need for complicated treatment in the future such as a root canal or extraction.

Your dentist will evaluate the state and health of your gums, individual teeth, overall oral condition, and any special concerns you may have. By the end of this visit you should be aware of any current and potential dental problems you may encounter in the future as well as a plan of treatment to restore your smile to a healthy state.

Dental Cleanings

Getting your teeth cleaned by a professional 2-3 times per year is the #1 WAY TO GUARANTEE YOU WILL KEEP YOUR TEETH FOR AS LONG AS YOU WISH!

Even If you brush every single day, twice a day, this does not stop micro-plaque from depositing at or below your gumline Your saliva contains all of the minerals found naturally in your body. These minerals settle down into the space between your gums and your teeth and harden into a bone-like plaque over time. Once these minerals become fused to the teeth, they are impossible to remove with a simple toothbrush no matter how hard you try! Everyone’s body is different, some people may have higher or lower mineral levels that may contribute to the formation of plaque. This plaque also becomes a housing for various bacteria that may be harmful to the health of your teeth and gums. Certain bacteria like to reside in these deposits and over time will begin to cause micro-infections at your gum line. Your gumline may become inflamed and red, this is the beginning of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) Gingivitis will progress to Periodontal Disease and tooth loss over time if not addressed.

Accumulated plaque is one of the BIGGEST CONTRIBUTORS to tooth loss as we age!

Daily brushing at home does not always reach far down enough between the gums and teeth to remove the hardened plaque. The bristles of a soft, medium, or even firm toothbrush are not strong enough to separate this tough plaque from your teeth.

Having a professional dental cleaning every 4-6 months can is the only way to remove these hard deposits and prevent this devastating process from occurring! Our instruments are specially designed to remove these tough deposits as well as eliminate any bacteria that may be present.

What type of Cleaning do I need?

The type of cleaning you would need is determined by the current condition of your gums, level of plaque, and the condition of the bone surrounding your teeth.

There are two very different types of cleanings: Simple Cleaning vs Deep Cleaning

During your comprehensive exam your doctor will diagnose the state of your gingival health, placing you in one of 5 categories which will determine the type of cleaning you need to restore your teeth and gums to a healthy place.

Stage Category Symptoms Type of Cleaning
0 Healthy Gingiva None Simple
1 Gingivitis Inflamed Bleeding Gums Simple
2 Early Periodontal Disease < 20% Bone loss, light plaque Deep
3 Moderate Periodontal Disease 20-50% Bone loss, heavy plaque Deep
4 Advanced Periodontal Disease >50% Bone loss, teeth are loose Surgery or Extractions

Simple Cleaning

If here are no signs of inflammation in your gums and there are minimal hard deposits, you will receive a Simple Cleaning. This type of cleaning removes stains and any micro-plaque deposits below the gum line and includes a polishing procedure to make sure your teeth are smooth, shiny, and smile ready☺

Starting today, you should come back every 6 months to have this procedure done to ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy throughout your lifetime!

Most insurances cover this procedure at 100% so it may come at no cost to you!
If you are without insurance, this is a small price to pay to guarantee you have your teeth well into your golden years!

Stop by twice a year, keep your teeth forever (wink face)

Heavy staining due to daily coffee and smoke intake
Hard to remove with toothbeush at home
Simple cleaning designed to remove these stains and polish teeth to a smooth finish.

Deep Cleaning

If your doctor found signs of inflammation with significant hard deposits and has diagnosed you with Periodontal Disease, you will need to have a Deep Cleaning.
This is a more involved multi-step cleaning which will require topical anesthesia and routine follow up treatment that is 100% necessary to avoid future tooth loss.
The progression of periodontal disease begins with bleeding gums, progresses to bone loss, loose teeth, and finally complete tooth loss if not treated.

A Deep cleaning is the only way to HALT this disease process!

  • Hardened plaque found underneath gums on xrays
  • Bone levels begin to decline leading to teeth becoming loose over time
  • Plaque cannot be accessed with toothbrush

  • Before:
  • Stage 3 Moderate Periodontal Disease
  • Hardened Plaque causing inflamamtion and bleeding
  • Teeth will become loose if plaque not removed

  • After Deep Cleaning:
  • Ultrasonic vibration disinfects and removes plaque
  • Inflammation and tootj loss process will stop
  • Must maintain cleanings every 4-6 months to prevent recurrence